Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Senior Fellow and Convenor, Suri Sehgal Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation, is one of India’s leading landscape hydrologists, combining expertise on surface hydrology, dynamic models, applied statistics and applications of remote sensing in quantifying and mapping ecosystem services. He has worked on hydrological processes at multiple spatio-temporal scales, from soil plots to catchments across the globe. Jagdish Krishnawamy will contribute to study design, hydrologic modeling, and Bayesian statistical modelling.
Shrinivas Badiger, Fellow, is a hydrologist with expertise in surface and groundwater interactions in agricultural landscapes. His interests are in understanding the agricultural land-use change linkages with hydrologic regimes, more specifically in ways spatial and temporal patterns of irrigation and rainfed systems co-influence the stream flow and groundwater recharge patterns He has extensive experience applying hydrologic modelling within a GIS frame-work as mediated by climate uncertainties. Shrinivas Badiger will contribute to the study design of process dynamics in the agro-ecological system and its linkages to the hydrologic cycle including forest ecosystems.
Mahesh Sankaran (Reader) is a community ecosystem ecologist with extensive experience in tropical ecosystems in India and Africa. His expertise lies biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships, biogeochemical cycling and tropical ecosystem ecology, and is interested in understanding these interactions in relation to climate change. Mahesh Sankaran will contribute to the the quantification of carbon patterns and dynamics and jointly analyzing the trade-offs and synergies between carbon functions and hydrologic functions with Jagdish.
R.S.Bhalla (Sr. Research Fellow). His main area of work is community based natural resources management with focus on watersheds and coastal areas. His PhD analyses the policy framework for India's watershed development programmes (Bhalla, et al., 2010). He has published on the role of natural defences against coastal hazards (Baird, et al., 2010). He makes extensive use of spatially explicit and quantitative tools in his research which has largely been supported by the Dept. of Science and Technology, FAO and UNDP.
Srinivas Vaidyanathan (Sr. Research Fellow) His research interest lies in integrating landscape processes, biodiversity and ecology. His recent publication (Vaidyanthan et al, 2010) with Jagdish Krishnaswamy demonstrates the complex linkage between rainfall trends and human impacts on tropical forests dynamics in India.
Srinivas Vaidyanathan and R.S. Bhalla will contribute to the GIS and remote sensing components including analysis and running models and simulations.
Michael Bonell, a recognized global expert on tropical forest hydrology, established the integration of surface water-groundwater-ecohydrology applications across international hydrology whilst a staff member of UNESCO-Paris (Turner et al. 2006; Smith et al. 2008). Bonell was the first to demonstrate that large storage capacity in deep groundwater is more closely coupled with hillslope hydrology than was previously thought.
Mike Bonell was to contribute to the study of streamflow responses to rainfall and rainfall intensity regimes.
Note: Unfortunately, Prof Bonell demised on july 11 2014.